Questions? Need Services? Want to help?
937-376-5486 • Contact us
Committed to Greene County Ohio Seniors and Caregivers
Tues, April 1 - May 6, 2:30-4, XCC​
Mon, Apr 7 & 21, 1-2:30, XCC
Thur, Apr 17, 10:30-12, XCC
Wed, April 9, 2:30 - 4:30, XCC
Legal Chat
No Legal Chat this month
Wed, April 30, 1:30 - 3pm, XCC
May ​​
Walk for Older Americans Month
Mon, May 5, 11:00, Russ Nature Reserve
Sat, May 3, 9am - noon, XCC
Thur, May 8, 10am - 2pm
Wed, May 14, 10am - 2pm
Fri, May 16, 10am - 2pm
Mon, May 5 & 19, 1-2:30, XCC
Thur, May 15 & 29, 10:30-12, XCC
Wed, May 14, 2:30 - 4:30, XCC
Thur, May 15, 2:30, Peace Lutheran
Thur, May 22, 11:30 - 2:30, XCC
Memorial Day
May 26, Council offices closed
Thur, June 5, 9am - 4pm
Wed, June 11, 2:30 - 4:30, XCC
Summer Solstice Shindig
Sat, June 21, 11am - 2pm, XCC
Thur, Jun 19, 2:30, Peace Lutheran
Descriptions & Notes
Medicare 101
If you are turning 65 soon and would like to learn about Medicare, consider joining us for this in-person class, presented every other month. Reservations are required by the Friday before the event. Space is limited. Location: Xenia Community Center, 1265 W Second Street, from 2:30pm-4:00pm. Also presented at other locations; see list at left.
Contact us by email or phone to make a reservation.
Memory Loss, Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease
Discussion on the types of dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease, and exploration of things to consider as a caregiver, or anyone wanting to learn more. Presented every other month.
Reservations are required by the Friday before the event.
Location(s): Xenia Community Center, 1265 W Second Street, or GCCOA Xenia office, 1195 W Second St, from 2:30pm-4:30pm.
Contact us by email or phone to make a reservation.
Drums Alive Golden Beats
Drumming is fun, it stimulates brain activity, and is a great physical workout. There is no charge but space is limited.
Location: Xenia Community Center, 1265 W Second Street,
Tuesdays, 1:00 - 2:00pm. The 2025 Winter Session begins in February.
Contact us by email or phone to make a reservation.
Read the flyer
Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance
This continuing Tai Chi class can help older adults improve balance, flexibility, and strength. There is no charge but space is limited. Two locations and times:
Abiding Christ Church, Fairborn, Mondays, 9am to 10am
Xenia Community Center, Xenia, Wednesdays, 9:30am to 10:30am
Contact us by email or phone for information.
Senior Fitness Fun
Come to the Xenia Community Center for some fun movement on Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Contact us for a reservation.
Support Groups
The following support groups are facilitated by GCCOA team members. For information, dates and times, and reservations, contact the Council.
Caregiver Support Group
Meets at the Council's Xenia office, Peace Lutheran Church in Beavercreek, Yellow Springs, and online. Contact us for days and times. Read the flyer
Parkinson's Disease Support Group
Meets at the Xenia Community Center
Grief Support Group
Meets at the Peace Lutheran Church in Beavercreek

Our videos on our YouTube channel are always available:
Brain Fitness Know-How Updated March 2022
Memory Loss, Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease Updated June 2022