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Committed to Greene County Ohio Seniors and Caregivers

Caregiver Support
We present a Partners In Caregiving radio segment each Thursday evening around 6:05pm on RealRootsRadio with Roy Hatfield WBZI 100.3 FM / 1500 AM

When you are the caregiver for a loved one, you may need information and someone to talk with. The Council provides compassionate and knowledgeable professionals who can listen, share information, and help problem-solve. Team members are available to meet with you at a place that works for you. Being able to vent concerns and frustrations and ask questions can make a tremendous difference for caregivers.
The Council has resource materials available on many subjects. In addition, the Council offers respite care for caregivers, either through adult day services or in the home, to give you some deserved time away. Calls and e-mails to the Council are confidential. Contact us for assistance or information.
Support Groups
The Council sponsors monthly support groups for caregivers, both in-person and online. While not for everyone, attending a support group can provide a caregiver with useful information, and a connection to others in similar situations.
If you would like to receive In Care of You, the newsletter for caregivers please subscribe:
Read past issues of the newsletter here