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Committed to Greene County Ohio Seniors and Caregivers
Medicare & Other Retirement Health Insurance
For those who will soon be eligible for Medicare, please see here
If you or a loved one are already on Medicare, the Council provides a resource during the Open Enrollment Period (October 15 - December 7) when you can change plans.
Medicare plans and options change each year, so it is important to find the best fit for your health care needs and situation. To help with this challenging but important issue, the Council is a resource for individuals getting ready to turn 65 and for those already on Medicare.
Throughout the year, one of our Benefits Specialists is available to review options to those nearing 65. During Medicare Open Enrollment, the Benefits Specialist and other team members are available to walk you through available plans for the coming year in order to pick the best plan for your unique situation. It is critical to review the options each year, whether it be with the Council or another knowledgeable and objective party.

Let us help you understand your Medicare choices, your retirement plans together with Medicare and what other options you may have available to you. Based on your personal situation and income level you may qualify for several forms of help.
The Council sent letters to those we have assisted in the past. Assistance will be over the phone. It is important to return the completed form enclosed with the letter. If you did not receive the letter, and would like our assistance, please
Contact our office for the letter and form to be filled out.
Websites with more information
​Social Security:
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP):
Ohio Medicaid:
or click here to apply for Medicaid
Livanta (appeals for discharges / quality of care):